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I'm Kathryn, otherwise known as Red.


In 2017 I challenged myself to run everyday for a year, and lost more than 10kg through exercise and healthier food choices. I started a blog to share all my experiences, in the hope that it would help, encourage and motivate others to turn their lifestyles around. That year I ran over 1000km, not realising that this was the start of something bigger…


I now run a lot more than that, and more recently took on my biggest race yet; the Centurion South Downs Way 100 miler. It was the hottest weekend of the year (10/06/23), and whilst people were dropping like flies around me, I slowed down my pace and loved every minute of it. Only 192/335 people finished that year, biggest drop out rate ever in Centurions history. 


I’ve always had a love for sport and exercise, which is why I trained to be a Personal Trainer Specialist so I could help other people achieve their goals. Alongside this, I am also a Run Leader and Diabetes / Obesity specialist. I currently work from The Gym (Chesterfield) as well as hold my own organised events.


I work with all kinds of people, whether your goal is to lose weight, run your first 5km, tone up, build muscle or train for a big sporting event.


My specialities are; run coaching, endurance events, strength training, weight loss through exercise and injury prevention. 



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BA(hons) Leisure Management​

Level 4 Obesity & Diabetes Management

Level 4 Strength & Conditioning Coach


Level 3 Personal Trainer

Level 3 Gym Instructor

UKA Run Leader

Level 6 First Aid for Outdoor Incident Management SCQF

Mental Health Awareness for Sport & Activity



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​I've been training with Red for 6 months, with a view to build my running strength, prevent injuries, and improve my endurance over longer distances, particularly on mountain terrains. 

I really enjoyed all of my sessions with Red. Her tailored, friendly, supportive and enthusiastic approach kept me motivated and I enjoyed seeing my gains.

This weekend I completed the 2-day orienteering race, the Saunders Lakeland Mountain Marathon, finishing in 6th place. I felt stronger on all of the hill climbs, was moving well consistently, and for the first year I did not get cramp! 

Would definitely recommend Red's sessions, no matter what your goals are!


I can't recommend the lovely Red enough!! Starting with Red was the best decision I’ve ever made, it’s helped me physically and mentally and she pushes me to achieve my goals (which I absolutely need)!!


I was so apprehensive about getting a pt but if you want to change your life for the better I could not recommend this lady enough! We laughed and cried, but the milestones she has helped me reach I owe this women everything!! YOU ARE INCREDIBLE RED!! (Even if you sometimes nearly kill me off).


 I was so nervous when joining the gym but Red has made me feel right at home and showed me how to do a workout that caters for me. I remember saying to Red, you will never catch me running, however believe it or not I now love to run!!


I’m so glad I found you and will be forever grateful! We laugh every session and I’ve found not only the best personal trainer but an amazing friend!!


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I have been having a Personal Training Session with Red for about 2 months. My main goals were to lose weight, get fitter, tone and strengthen lost muscle mass due to illness and prepare for an upcoming knee replacement operation. 


Red is a brilliant PT, not only do I feel healthier and stronger my knee pain has improved through her exercise routines thay she has specifically created for me.  Each of her clients has a tailor made plan, it is definitely not a "one size fits all" plan. 


She takes the time to get to know you, your history and your reasons for wanting to do this. I would have no hesitation in recommending Red to anyone. 


I have been training with Red since February this year, and I couldn’t be more thankful for her constant encouragement, support and laughter.


Red’s knowledge on nutrition has been informative and helped me to make positive and long lasting changes within my life. Equally, the exercise plans Red creates are both challenging yet easy to follow when I am alone, and anything I don’t understand Red is more than happy to explain and demonstrate multiple times until I am confident in the movement.

Without Red I wouldn’t have been able to achieve my goals, feel better in myself and achieve a much improved level of fitness overall.



As someone who wanted to focus on improving my running technique and general fitness, as a fellow runner, Red was the perfect choice. Since starting PT sessions and joining group sessions over a year ago, Red has taught me that there’s a lot more to running than just ‘going on a run’! I’ve learnt more about how to strengthen myself to reduce injury and also the importance of both mental and physical health.


With Red, I’ve not only been able to run my first timed half marathon, but also smash my target finish time, something which was an amazing feeling. This is something I have wanted to do for over five years, and it was Red’s support and guidance that has got me to this point. I see this as just the start, and I’m hoping to carry on running longer distances and improving on my PBs.


I’d definitely recommend Red not only for runners, but anyone who wants to improve their general fitness. I’ve felt so much better since starting PT sessions and never put on any of that lockdown weight, which has to be an achievement in itself!


I have been with Red Langan since September 2020. After 3 lockdowns and setbacks later, we are settling back into a regime. I am now, starting to see the difference in my fitness levels. My energy levels and my core strength are improving.

Red has exceeded my expectations and is always there for advice, recipes, and diet tips. She swaps up with new exercises and challenges to try.


I would recommend Red as she keeps me focused and on plan.


Red is an awesome PT, she always finds the perfect balance between gentle encouragement and a kick up the bum. 

We really appreciate her patience and friendly manner while at the same time making sure we definitely get put through our paces.  We have definitely felt an improvement in our overall well being thanks to her sessions.


Highly recommended.


I began my fitness and weight loss regime in January 2021. I have been a keen sportsman all of my life so no stranger to the gym. Unfortunately life, personal circumstances and Covid 19 intervened in recent years and caused me to pile on the pounds, lose my fitness and motivation to do anything about it.


Eventually however, I realised that I needed to do something because the extra weight was taking it's toll on my health. I got my diet under control and began losing weight but I knew I needed to compliment this by getting back in the gym to address my fitness, get into shape and help maintain the weight loss.

As I was used to gym programmes, I was able to put my own together and begin working out on my own. I soon realised however that it was hard to break out of my comfort zone of repeating tried and tested routines which exercised the same muscles and became very repetitive and frankly, boring.


I decide therefore to engage the services of a Personal Trainer (PT) so did my research and Kathryn 'Red' Langan seemed suitably qualified to help me progress.

Firstly, she encouraged me to consider what my particular goals were and to set achievable targets, which were closely monitored and reset as each target was achieved. This progression is very motivating and provides a real sense of achievement and incentive to persevere with my efforts.

At first, I was a little sceptical about Red's detailed approach to monitoring the changes in my body; from measuring my vital statistics and, through the 'FitQuest' machine, my weight, body fat, muscle composition and hydration each month. I now see the benefit of her attention to such detail.


Although I'm still on my journey, I am over halfway there in terms of weight loss, which currently stands at 22.5 kgs (10kgs since I engaged Red).  My blood sugar levels have dropped significantly from the cusp of diabetes to normal and have remained so since working with Red. My constant back pain, which prevented me from playing golf, has disappeared as has my lethargy. My overall fitness and energy levels have improved significantly.


When I first started working out under Red's supervision, I knew the road to where I wanted to be, was a long and bumpy one due to previous failed efforts. I have already achieved many of my goals, which means the list is getting ever shorter but I know the remaining few will be harder to achieve. That said, I no longer think I'm on 'Mission Impossible' due to Red's knowledge, enthusiasm, flexibility, good humour, encouragement, motivation and sense of fun whilst putting me through my paces.


After a lifetime of playing sport and generally abusing my body, certain bits no longer work so well and I'm far from flexible but Red works around that by using her skill and knowledge to ensure  I can cope with my workouts to achieve the same result without causing too much pain to my weaknesses, in particular, my knees.


I have no hesitation in recommending Red as a PT who will carefully assess your needs and capabilities to come up with a constantly changing programme of exercises to help you achieve your goals and avoid the boredom that too much repetition can cause. If required, Red can also help with nutritional advice, particularly for weight loss but, at the end of the day, no-one can achieve your goals for you but Red will help you to do so as much as possible.



I used to run regularly but had drifted into a long period of stagnation and weight gain. I have a very sedentary desk job, and over the last few years my untrained legs would become injured whenever I tried to start running again.


I asked Red to help improve my general fitness but most importantly to get me back into running. As well as general fat-burning and fitness exercises, Red focused on strengthening and conditioning my legs and other parts of the body that would help me to run without pain.


This has worked wonders, and I am now able to run regular long distances. I have even entered a couple of ultra-marathon distance races (another benefit of training with Red is being able to tap into her own long distance running knowledge and experience).

It's not just about running though, Red can tailor the training to your own needs and goals. In my opinion the main benefit of having a personal trainer is the consistency and regularity of the exercise. There is no hiding from training on wet or lazy days!


Your body will respond to regular training, and then it becomes really easy to motivate yourself as you see and feel the improvements (as well as my running, I have also lost two stone since training begun, and I can even see muscle definition peeking out from behind my stubborn old beer belly!).


Getting a personal trainer is one of the best investments I have ever made, and I would totally recommend Red. We even have a laugh (from between gritted teeth!).


During lockdown I completely lost focus, I had no routine and was eating and drinking anything and everything and I had no motivation to do exercise


 Covid seemed to be a good excuse to get away with this unhealthy behaviour. However I decided enough was enough and I needed someone to get me into fitness again and get me motivated.


Red Langan fitness was recommended to me and I went to her house(back garden)and had an initial consultation where we talked through my habits and what I wanted from the PT sessions.


I instantly felt comfortable with Red and I knew i had made the right decision! I have always been obsessed with the number on the scales, but Red has made me realise its not always about your weight loss but the way your body changes through doing the correct exercises.


I have become much more confident when doing exercise and I thoroughly enjoy my PT sessions with Red,  we always have a laugh and she has been like a therapist to me through tough times. I could not recommend her enough and i am so grateful I started my fitness journey with her. I have become stronger and fitter  and more confident in myself.


I've been doing Kathryn's classes constantly for a few weeks now and I can definitely feel the difference, I have become stronger on my running and my overall strength has improved.


Kathryn is an excellent personal trainer, very knowledgable and approachable; she focuses on your individual needs as well as the group as a whole.


This is a very laid back, friendly class with plenty of banter and people to have a giggle with!



I am used to taking part in some form of sport but unfortunately more and more over time have not balanced work and food with what I exercise I take. Come the start of lockdown I saw plenty of Facebook ‘funnies’ with spoofed images of people pre and post lockdown having been sat at home for months with eating as a main activity. I took advantage of being able to work at home and using what would have been commuter time to get out and have reasonable walks every day.


Sadly, Saturday mornings no longer meant having the routine of Parkrun. Instead during the height of lockdown, I was lucky to find out about online live HIT sessions Red was doing. This gave me something to look forward to each Saturday morning again, combined with some fitness activity. I really appreciate the time Red (and hubby Jonn) gave to provide this support.

Having never contemplated using a personal trainer before, I decided to take the plunge and book a series of sessions with Red. At the start of this my main aims included building strength conditioning and improving my BMI. 

Red has tailored my sessions to accommodate factors such as old sporting niggles (hammered footballing knees) and individual personality. I am not a very competitive person and she does not try to make me be, but at the same time has managed to push me to achieve on exercises I have done. The sessions have been mixed with good variety of exercises (and a bit of banter) so they do not get dull.

I have lost nearly a stone since signing up for personal training with Red, despite also gaining new muscle that was not there before (I can do press ups again!). As well as the training with Red I have worked on my eating habits and used a fitness app to make sure all the exercise has not been undone by too much time spent at the fridge and cupboards. 

My biggest struggle has been getting back to running. I have always struggled with running mojo (why run if there is no ball to chase?!), but Red is getting me back in this direction with new homework between sessions. 

I do find it harder when there is not something fixed in the diary. Going to Red’s sessions has added to my routine (especially during this current period when lots of other activities such as Parkrun and football have not been possible). I would recommend personal training sessions with Red. I can definitely see and feel the benefits. 


My fitness journey started in April with Red's online sessions during lockdown. I had gained a bit of weight due to recent studying and the restrictions on exercising outdoors and closure of gyms etc. 


I wanted to lose weight and improve my general fitness and flexibility.


Red put on some sessions during the lockdown period which certainly helped us through a time where exercise had very limited options. 


My greatest achievements are significant weight loss. Loss of inches around my waist  and increased flexibility. I intend to continue to maintain gradual weight loss and lose another half stone.


My biggest struggles are getting out for runs, but when I have, I felt  stronger! I would like to get back to running 3 times a week.


I would advise people to be really specific about their goals. Make a commitment in writing to yourself and Red about what you want to achieve and indicate how you will achieve it. Seeing and tracking your progress will help keep you on track!


I have enjoyed Red finding new exercises for me to challenge the weaker parts of my body. I must say we have had many laughs during the sessions which certainly helps.


Thank you Red. I am very happy with the results I have seen and I'm determined to continue with the progress I have made.



Great fun and educational strengthening fitness class for all abilities, with a very motivating and encouraging instructor


I really enjoyed this class and would recommend it for anyone wanting to improve their overall strength regardless of your starting point or your sport.


I've been strength training with red for a few weeks, classes are varied and fun, getting stronger by the week, would recommend for runners.


Red is a motivational instructor who no matter what your level of fitness or age is encouraging. the sessions fly by with a good mix of exercises.





At Red Langan Fitness, I aim to provide you with a well tailored 12 week package that focuses not only on exercise but lifestyle change. I can help you lose weight, train for an event, build muscle or simply aide you in living a fitter and healthier lifestyle. 

My specialities are; running endurance, strength & conditioning training, weight loss through exercise, diabetes and obesity management and injury prevention. 

Basic Price Structure:

1 x 60 minute session per week (£35 per session, over 12 weeks)

2 x 60 minute sessions per week (£32 per session, over 12 weeks)

3 x 60 minute sessions per week (£30 per session, over 12 weeks)

I can tailor most packages to your needs, but below are some of the most popular options I currently offer:

1 to 1 personal training


This is the basic 12 week package that is suitable for someone wanting regular motivation and encouragement from a Personal Trainer on a face to face basis. *Gym Pass not included

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Package Includes: 

  • Free consultation. This will involve me sending you a questionnaire, so I get more of an understanding of what you want from a programme and then discussing together in detail. 

  • Body measurements. You will be requested to weigh in once per week and to provide body measurements at the beginning and every 4 weeks. I will also request photos so that you can physically see the changes (optional).

  • Tailored 4 week training plan with progressions. Based on your input I will put together a training plan personalised for you.

  • Nutritional plan and tracking (optional). Based on your nutritional goals and specific guidelines we can look at calories, macronutrients (carbohydrates, protein and fats) and micronutrient targets (vitamins and minerals).  

  • Weekly check in. This is your chance to give feedback and to check we are on track

  • 4 weekly reviews of body measurements and progress. We will be looking at your measurements, weight and photos to see how you’ve progressed through the programme. 

  • Video exercise demonstrations (on request)

  • 1 x 60 minute PT session, either in a gym / home / outside (restrictions permitting) or 2 x 30 minute sessions online per week.

£35 per session


2 to 1 personal training


Prefer to work out with a friend? Why don’t you split the cost and share a Personal Trainer. This is the basic 12 week package that is suitable for clients wanting regular motivation and encouragement from a Personal Trainer on a face to face basis. *Gym Pass not included 


Package Includes: 

  • Free consultation. This will involve me sending you a questionnaire, so I get more of an understanding of what you both want from a programme and then discussing together in detail. 

  • Body measurements. You will be requested to weigh in once per week and to provide body measurements at the beginning and every 4 weeks. I will also request photos so that you can physically see the changes (optional).

  • Joint 4 week training plan with progressions. Based on your input I will put together a training plan suitable for you both.

  • Nutritional plan and tracking (optional). Based on your nutritional goals and specific guidelines we can look at calories, macronutrients (carbohydrates, protein and fats) and micronutrient targets (vitamins and minerals).  

  • Weekly check in. This is your chance to give feedback and let me know how you’re getting on.

  • 4 weekly reviews of body measurements and progress. We will be looking at your measurements, weight and photos to see how you’ve progressed through the programme. 

  • Video exercise demonstrations (on request)

  • 1 x 60 minute PT session, either in a gym / home / outside (restrictions permitting) or 2 x 30 minute sessions online per week.

£45 per session (£22.50 EACH)




During the pandemic, a lot of people have been searching online to find inspiration to keep fit. There’s so much to chose from, it can be quite daunting as to what is best for you. That’s why this package is perfect. 


Package Includes: 

  • Telephone consultation. This will involve me sending you a questionnaire, so I get more of an understanding of what you want from a programme and then discussing together in detail. 

  • Body measurements. You will be requested to weigh in once per week and to provide body measurements at the beginning and end of your 4 week package. I will also request photos so that you can physically see the changes (optional).

  • Customised 4 week training plan with progressions. Based on your input I will put together a training plan personalised for you.

  • Nutritional advice. Guidance based on your nutritional goals.

  • Weekly check in. This is your chance to give me feedback and let me know how everything is going. 

  • 4 weekly reassessment of body measurements and progress. We will be looking at your measurements and weight to see how you’ve progressed through the programme. 

  • Video exercise demonstrations. 





Everybody benefits from strength and conditioning, not just athletes. A few of the benefits are injury prevention, improved performance, strengthens bones, improves posture, improves mental health and increases muscle mass and metabolism. If you feel you’re not quite achieving your best whether that’s in general, performance in competitions, matches or races, then this is the programme for you. *Gym Pass not included


Package includes:

  • Telephone consultation. This will involve me sending you a questionnaire, so I get more of an understanding of what you want from a PT. We will then discuss together planning your short, medium and long term goals. 

  • Sport / Goal specific movement assessment. This gives me the opportunity to look at you doing some basic movements, I will clearly see your current strengths and weaknesses, that then enables me to design a programme based around this analysis and your goals.

  • Body measurements. You will be requested to weigh in once per week and to provide body measurements at the beginning and end of your 4 week package. I will also request photos so that you can physically see the changes (optional).

  • Bespoke performance programming and planning. Based on your input, competitions and the assessment, I will put together a training plan personalised for you and/ or your sport.

  • Sport / Goal specific performance benchmarks. For example bleep test, jump test etc

  • Nutritional plan and tracking (optional). Based on your nutritional goals, sport and specific guidelines we can look at calories, macronutrients (carbohydrates, protein and fats) and micronutrient targets (vitamins and minerals).  

  • Weekly check in. This is your chance to give me feedback and let me know how everything is going. 

  • 2 x 60 minute PT sessions per week, either in a gym / home / outside 

  • 4 - 6 weekly performance tests. Check we are on the right track and achieving your goals.​

£32 per session




This is a 12 week programme for clients who do little or no exercise and have been referred by a Dr to take up physical activity or have decided to refer themselves. In line with government guidelines and my qualifications, this programme is available for people who are Obese or Diabetic. *Gym Pass not included


Package includes: 

  • Screening. A PARQ will be filled in (medical questionnaire) and then appropriate measurements and tests will be performed in a movement assessment. We will then have an in-depth discussion where we will talk about short, medium and long term goals.

  • Look at psychological and social barriers to exercise.

  • Body measurements. You will be requested to weigh in once per week and to provide body measurements at the beginning and every 4 weeks. I will also request photos so that you can physically see the changes (optional).

  • Personalised programme will be put together. Based on the screening, health and personal goals

  • Weekly screening. Check in form including weigh in.

  • Nutritional guidance or referral to a Nutritionist (adapted to individual client)

  • Monthly screening, body measurements and programme adaptation.

  • Video exercise demonstrations (on request)

  • 1 x 45 minutes PT session per week (location to be discussed)

£30 per session




Prefer to work out with a group of friends? Doesn’t feel like exercise if you’re socialising at the same time right?  Must have 5 people per session.


Package Includes:

  • Questionnaire & free consultation to find out what the group wants.

  • 4 week programme. Every week is a different class and they’ll be repeated every 4 weeks with progressions.


  • Boot camp

  • Circuits

  • Bodyweight exercises

  • Hiit training

  • Cardio

  • Strength & Conditioning for specific sport

  • 1 x 45 minute session per week






Individual HIIT exercises breakdown explanations:


  • Do 6 exercises for 40 secs with 20 secs in rest in-between.

  • After each round of 6, take a 1 min break to have some water.

  • Repeat 3 times for a great 20 minute workout.

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Why not download our handy crib sheets for these exercises.


You can print them out & easily cut them up to mix and match your workouts.

HIIT Workouts - Full Sessions

HIIT Workouts - Full Sessions

CONTAct me

For any enquires or to ask a question, you can reach me at: , drop me a message below or call me on 07421 023 773:

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